How Has AI and Machine Learning Transformed Blockchain?
Blockchain technology has been popular in recent years. This technology enables individuals to deal directly with one another through a highly secure and decentralized system without needing an intermediary.
In addition to its inherent strengths, machine learning, and #AI can assist in overcoming many of the constraints of blockchain-based systems. The integration of these two technologies (#MachineLearning and AI) with #Blockchain Technology has the potential to produce highly effective and helpful solutions. This post will look at blockchain technology and how machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) skills can be integrated into a blockchain-based system.
Blockchain Technology
The main idea behind blockchain technology is to store data in different places so that no one person or group can own or control it. The data written in the blockchain system cannot be changed once recorded. Then, the third party verifies the upcoming transactions before being added to the sheet.
The only difference is that the #decentralized architecture of nodes checks the new set of records. There is no one person or group in charge of checking the records. Even though the way blockchain technology works is complicated, it is similar to a set of interconnected blocks that keep the flow of data going.
In this chain, each block has the #hash of the block that came before it. This system can track data and transactions back to the blockchain mechanism. Instead, they are resistant to changes. This feature means that the older Blockchain can stay the same.
As its name suggests, Blockchain is like a string of data blocks, and each block has three main parts:
- The first part is a 32-bit number called Data Nonce. It is made up by chance when a block is made, which causes the block header hash to be made.
- Hash, which is a minimal 256-bit number that is linked to the nonce
- When a block is added to a chain, the nonce makes the cryptographic hash, which is signed and linked to the block’s data. The nonce and hash are separated from the block’s data by mining the block’s data.
Miners: Miners are the ones who use a process called “#mining” to add new blocks to the chain.
As mentioned above, each block has its unique nonce and hash. The current block’s hash refers to the hash of the previous block in the chain, which makes it hard to mine a block, especially on chains with many blocks.
Miners must use unique methods to figure out the complicated math needed to find a nonce that will lead to an accepted hash. Because the nonce only has 32 bits and the hash has 256, billions of possible combinations of nonce and hash need to be mined until the right one is found. Miners who get the right combination are often said to have a “golden nonce,” which allows them to add a block to the chain.
Since it takes significant time and computing power to find golden nonces because it’s hard to change the blocks, blockchain technology is resistant to change.
Nodes: As we’ve discussed, one of the most important ideas behind Blockchain is that the data in different blocks should be spread out. So only some people can have all of the information. This feature allows other people or groups to own different parts of the chain. Nodes can be considered devices that hold a copy of the Blockchain and ensure that the chain or network works as it should.
Every node has a copy of the Blockchain, and the network is set up to trust and verify any newly mined block for the chain. Because blockchains are open, it’s easy to check or see what’s going on in the ledger. Each person in the chain has a unique number that shows what transactions they have made in the chain.
There are many ways that blockchain technology can be used. Here are some of them:
- Secure data trading
- Moving money across borders
- OS for IoT that works in real-time
- Keeping an eye on the supply chain and logistics
- Changes in cryptocurrency
- Identity protection through machine learning in blockchain-based apps
Machine learning algorithms can learn in amazing ways. We can use these features to make the Blockchain smarter than before. This integration could make the distributed ledger of the Blockchain even more secure. We can use ML’s computing power to cut down on the time it takes to find the golden nonce, and it can also be used to improve the routes for sharing data. We can make many better machine learning models using blockchain technology’s decentralized data architecture.
Machine learning models can adopt Blockchain for data storage to make predictions or analyze data. Look at a smart BT-based app that collects data from sensors, smart devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
In this app, the Blockchain works as a part of the app, and a machine-learning model can be used to analyze or predict the data in real time. Putting the data in the blockchain network helps minimize the errors of the ML models because the data in the network won’t have any missing values, duplicates, or noise, which is one of the most important things a machine learning model needs to do to be more accurate.
Benefits of the ML Integration in Blockchain-Based Applications
Using machine learning models in blockchain technology can be helpful in many ways. Here are some of them:
- When a user allowed to make changes to the Blockchain wants to do so, it is easy for them to prove who they are.
- ML lets us give Blockchain a wide range of security and trust.
- Integration of ML models can help ensure that terms and conditions agreed upon in the past will stay in place.
We can make an updated ML model based on how the Blockchain works.
- Models can help get good information from the end user. Which can be calculated continuously and based on which the user can earn rewards.
- Using the traceability of the Blockchain, we can also judge the hardware of different machines so that Machin Learning models can’t go off the learning path they were given in the environment.
- We can set up a trustworthy payment process that works in real-time on the Blockchain.
Artificial intelligence uses computers, data, and machines to simulate the human mind’s problem-solving and decision-making abilities. It also includes the subfields of machine learning and deep learning. These technologies train data using AI algorithms to make predictions and classifications.
AI’s advantages include automated decision-making, repeated activities, and reduced human errors. AI is driving the advancement of technologies such as big data, the internet of things (IoT), and robotics. The merging effects of AI and blockchain technology will continue to be a technological pathfinder in the future.
Blockchain explains AI behaviors better than people
Humans can use machine-learning algorithms to develop artificial neural networks and teach computer algorithms to expand their capabilities depending on experience. Even the creators of artificial intelligence cannot foresee or explain its actions. The AI systems that run the sophisticated decision trees are black boxes for human intelligence. We are unable to comprehend how artificial intellect thinks.
This incident happens due to the computer’s ability to analyze unimaginable data. The machine’s memory stores more information than the brains of the world’s most intelligent individuals, and it must determine which information is more or less essential. We can construct an algorithm that will educate the computer to accomplish this, but we need to foresee how this algorithm will evolve.
If all of the AI system’s decisions are recorded in the Blockchain, we will acquire an extensive database and be able to check and explain the AI’s judgments. Furthermore, it will provide data security because information recorded in the Blockchain cannot be manipulated.
Blockchain technology and AI are intertwined: Blockchain technology and AI are inextricably linked in many ways. The following are the key integration
1. Transparent Data Source
A large amount of data is required to train an AI application. Blockchain is a dependable source of improved data since it is the most transparent technology. Due to node traceability, the system can confirm the data source quickly.
2. Autonomous System
The decentralized ledger technology assures that no single server handles all of the AI application’s operations. The autonomous system drives decentralization to manage AI training and operations without supervision.
3. Privacy Safeguards
Cryptographic techniques provide privacy across the network that supports AI training and operations. When you have a robust privacy system in place, you can train and supply AI systems, which are more competitive and complicated.
4. Computing Power Distributed
It takes a lot of firepowers to train and sustain AI. Blockchain technology assumes that role and assists in navigating it. It also considers space requirements such as hardware and software, storage, and maintenance costs.
5. Safety
Smart contracts on the Blockchain are insufficiently secure. The Blockchain depends on the contract’s rigidity; if flaws exist, you can easily abuse them and destroy the apps. AI is utilized to develop more secure smart contracts to reduce such vulnerabilities.
6. Reading Effectiveness
Because blockchains have constraints in their data storage options, they frequently have low query performance. With level DB-a write-intensive DMS, blockchain applications sacrifice reading efficiency to achieve a more write-intensive approach.
When applying AI, data storage strategies help to improve blockchain usage. A unique TTA-CB protocol suggested reduces data storage difficulties using PSO algorithms. When rigorous testing and training are performed, AI eventually aids in enhancing the speed of data queries.
7. Genuineness
The digital record of Blockchain provides insights into the AI framework and the provenance of the data used; it also tackles the issues of explainable AI. It aids in increasing your trust in data integrity and AI recommendations. Blockchain to store and distribute AI modes gives an audit trail and combines Blockchain and AI to improve data security.
8. Enhancement
AI reads data thoroughly and quickly. It also understands and processes data quickly by delivering greater intelligence to blockchain-based business networks. When larger data sets are made available within or outside of businesses, Blockchain will assist AI in scaling and providing more actionable insights, managing model sharing and data usage, and creating a transparent and trustworthy data economy.
9. Automation
Automation, artificial intelligence, and Blockchain will provide novel values to corporate processes that involve multiple stakeholders, such as adding, removing friction, and enhancing speed and efficiency. AI models incorporated in smart contracts run on Blockchain to adjudicate disputes and choose the most environmentally friendly transportation ways.
Conclusion: In the article, we learned about blockchain technology and how it can be used. After that, we looked into how blockchain technology and machine learning could work together. This integration has a lot of uses and benefits, and we can use both to make up for their flaws. This article talked about many applications and use cases of how they can be used together.
About the Author:
JumboBlockchain is the layer 1 blockchain protocol with three patents applied.
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